Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Roadblock #1

This isn't good.

My alarm went off this morning at 7 a.m. (despite it being my day off because of the holiday) and I wanted to stay in bed. Still, I got out of bed and began my morning like I always do--with a trip to the bathroom--but as soon as I took my first step, I felt foggy and lightheaded. I began mentally going through a checklist of possible reasons why I was feeling this way:
not enough sleep?
weird food last night?
body tired from yesterday's activities?
No, none of that felt like it was right. I don't know what it could be other than my sleeping medication hitting me extra hard and not wanting to work its way out of my system in a timely manner.

Needless to say, I was not about to tie on my trainers [does that make me sound British? I'll post some time about how I very seriously wish I was British, perhaps.] and scoot through the city feeling unstable. Instead, I practiced some awesome self-care--made gluten-free, dairy-free banana pancakes [GF bisquick mixing in soy-milk and applesauce and 1/4 c. pureed banana and topped with 1/2 tsp peanut butter and banana slices] and indulged in watching some Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.

But, what now? I'm still feeling foggy and as it gets later in the day, it gets hotter, and therefore, more dangerous to go running. The high is 103 today and I am most certainly not putting my body through that torture...but I'm not ready to abdicate control of my training and get off track. I've got 5 miles to run today and I don't care if I can't get out there until 8 p.m. I'm going running today. Now, I'm a little more motivated. Perhaps all I needed was a little pep-talk and a source of accountability (yall knowing this is my plan for today and me promising not only myself but also you that I will do it.)

Not giving in to this roadblock.
Not getting off track.
Not yet.
I pinky promise. 

I'll let you know what happens.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Join me on another journey

Whoot. Whoot.

"for what?" you ask.

26.2 miles
Yep! That's right. I'm running my first Savannah, exactly 4 months. My friend Nathan kinda talked me into it and I kinda let him a few weeks ago. We signed up on June 6th--national running day--and booked our hotel last week and began training on Sunday.

I'm scared shitless but so so so excited. I LOVED training for the Go! St. Louis half marathon I ran in April and all my running didn't stop after the race. Running connects me to my existance in a way I've never really felt before. I'm breathing and sweating and pounding and squinting and telling myself "don't stop. just [insert distance here] more." 

I remember watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants way back when and at the end of the scene where Bridget and the hott soccer coach race on the beach, he says "ahh, there's nothing like a good run" and she replies, "yeah, it's like you're running and all the bad stuff in the world can't catch you if you just keep going." I didn't understand how that made any sense because you always have to stop sometime and so all your running [if you're doing it for Bridget's reasons] was pointless. Well, I get it now. Even when you stop, you're on a high and you know you can always start up again. When I run, I win. I am strong and centered and in touch with myself and my world. 

I've got 4 months of that greatness up ahead all in preperation for a solid 26.2 miles of glory. 

You'll be hearing a lot about it, I'm sure. :)