Monday, April 18, 2011

Change the world. Change your life. Change someone else's.

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.” — Karen Ravn

Life's hard.
There's no doubt about that.
Sometimes hard is an understatement.
No matter what, we can't go through it alone.

Last night I checked my facebook after getting home from a weekend tournament and saw a wall post my friend Emily had left. We haven't talked except for a few texts here and there in a week and so she doesn't know the details about where my heart is at the moment, but somehow she knew. She wrote: "We are meant to support one another in this world. Let go of the feeling that you have to do everything alone. Ask someone if they want to join you. I will always be here to join you! Hope you had a great weekend and a great week ahead!" Emily is one of my closest friends. She is one of the people I feel totally comfortable telling my ugliest secrets to. Emily has the arms I run into when I'm sobbing. We met at camp last summer in unusual circumstances but God catapulted us into this beautiful friendship we've been growing in. God must have revealed something to her yesterday because I certainly hadn't said anything to her that let her know I needed to hear that. 

We are meant to support one another in this world. Let go of the feeling that you have to do everything alone. Ask someone if they want to join you. I will always be here to join you! Hope you had a great weekend and a great week ahead!

1. Let go...I've talked about it before, my alone complex...not only that, but my superwoman complex. When you ask me "how's it going?" or something along those lines, my response is "I've got it under control." though it may be unconscious, my response says it all. Somehow I've got it in my head that my life is something I have to do all by myself. False. It's time that I let go of that mentality. Even when I let people in, I keep them at an arm's length. It's time to let it happen. It may be time to just be.

2. Ask someone...It's not going to be plopped in my lap. As much as I'd love for things to just come as I need them, that's not really how life happens. I'm gonna have to ask. The first step in letting people in is letting them know that I want them there. 
                                                                    Reach out. 
together you might figure it out.
two is pretty much always better than one.
two cupcakes or one cupcake?
two, duh!

that's why there are two Resee's peanut butter cups in a package.

It's up to me to make the choice but after that, I'm not alone. We can fight together. Even if I don't know what I'm fighting for.

The question of the day: If I don't know what I'm fighting for, do I know what I'm fighting against? That could help point to what I'm fighting journal and I will talk about it tonight.

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