Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pumpkin Parfait

I am an a-typical college student, and proud of it. Some may find it odd, but I function quite well at 5am and therefore I have made it known to my boss and so I am at work by 5:45 three days during the school week and on the other two I get up even earlier to bet in a pre-sunrise run. And on the weekend, sleeping past 7am is a rare occurrence.

But just because I am awake before 99% of this university population--student and staff combined--does not mean I wait for them to wake before I have a little moment of joy called breakfast.

Breakfast is sacred.
Take me to a breakfast restaurant and I can easily find something to eat without having to make half a dozen alterations to the meal because of my gluten-free needs.

Yesterday, my nerves were a twitching as I put the first bit in my mouth but...I almost died it was so good.

1/4 cup oats
1/3 cup plain greek yogurt
1/2 cup pumpkin puree (or less if you're not an addict)
dash and a half of pumpkin spice

Put it in a bowl and mix and enjoy. :)

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