As I sat in the Cincinnati airport waiting for the plane to arrive last Friday, my friend Marissa sent me an almost hysterical text message. She told me about this restaurant that is simply TO DIE FOR.
It's a giant salad bar...

That's my kind of bar!
It should be called Emily and Marissa's. The restaurant is actually called Green Bean and it's located in St. Louis' Central West End. All the meat and most of the produce is locally grown--that means its as fresh as fresh gets and your purchase is contributing to a more sustainable food economy.
I'm seriously obsessed. Marissa and I went after work on Thursday and our salad creations were as beautiful as they were delicious.
Field greens, asparagus, roasted red pepper, tomato, onion, pineapple, and tofu
I forgot to mention--their dressings are all homemade!
(that means no gluten, and that means I had dressing on my salad!)
You may not believe me when I say I'm obsessed, so here's a story of obsession...
(M)...don't even get me started. I TOLD YOU THAT YOU'D CRAVE IT 24/7!
(E) It's going to take a lot to keep me from going after I get off work at 2.
(M) Don't even resist it. You'll be more upset not going than if you did go. Wayyyy too good to pass up
(E) It's times like these when I sincerely love you for enabling me.)
(M) I like to think of myself as the conscious that everyone is missing.
(E)Aww, good. I'm loving my thoughts about this future salad...
(M) I expect a picture with a full description. Ooo and try out as many dressings as possible!
(E) Oh, yes, I'm already planning.
(M) I'll be needing the full scoop on your adventure there
(E) Less than an hour till I depart!
(M) 55 minutes and counting!
(E) Having a difficult time containing myself...
(E) 30 minutes
(M) 26 minutes...
(E) Mouth salivating
(M) Guarantee your legs are twitching.
(E) Yeah, I can't even sit down.
(M) I don't know if the people are Green Bean understand what they have done to us. I'm not even going to green bean in 4 MINUTES and MY mouth is salivating.
(E) Ahhhh. I'm ready!!!!! (sitting in the ready position, with my jacket and sunglasses on, ready to leave)
(M) Conquer Green Bean!!!! 1. Create 2. Try dressings 3. Send txt for your punch card 4. Send me a picture 5. DEVOURRRRRRR.
2:15pm spinach and field greens mixed, roasted red pepper, cucumber, corn, onion, chicken, and lime dressing
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