Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bucket List

Sitting here, watching tv, creeping around facebook, procrastinating doing homework, I sat up and said "I want to make a bucket list." Random thought? Yes. Still...

I want to read through all my journals (there are lots and more are always coming)
I want to hike up a mountain
I want to sell something I draw
I want to write a book
I want to visit South America and take in all the beautiful landscapes
I want to meet stereotypically poor Africans
I want to love with a never-ending love
I want to become the person I want to die as
I want to give away something other than money to someone on the street
I want to go a whole day without complaining
I want to believe what I know
I want to be on an Alaskan dogsled
I want to learn to fly a plane or at least be in the cockpit while someone is flying
I want to artistically paint a wall
I want to do/say something that matters to someone

more to come, I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I too recently made a "Bucket List," which had other lists on it...if that makes sense!
    I must say that I do agree with all of yours and have only done 2 of them, so best of luck!
