Thursday, March 17, 2011

And He said 'Go!'

"Christians are like manure--pile it up and it stinks, spread it around and it helps things grow."

At Big Break this week, we have been learning about the importance of sharing our faith and doing so with intentionality. There have been times when I have sat in the conference room thinking to myself: 'I don't have anyone to share my faith with. All my friends are already Christians...' but this week, I have been given a nice wake-up call--it has been made clear to me that I am called to share what I believe with EVERYONE! It is great to start that with my friends--the people I'm most comfortable around--but it has to be more than that.

When Jesus said "Go!" he didn't meant "Go! Get out there...all the way!" Jesus doesn't call us to a comfortable life. Pope Benedict XVI understands this in saying "the world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for GREATNESS!"

It is a big call, enormous, in fact. But it is also a call that I cannot ignore.

For so long, I took my faith as something that was between me and God...and that's it. Recently, it has become abundantly clear that faith is communal. I mean, that's why there are religions--groups of people who all believe the same things and come together to express those beliefs. Faith involves people. God loves people. Faith involves bringing God to the people that don't know.

When was the last time you shared your faith with someone? You don't need to go knocking on your neighbors front door with your bible in hand, but what about something as simple as initiating a conversation with the guy who makes your coffee every morning--a conversation beyond "Hey, how are you?" and settling for an answer of "good." Be intentional. Speak to people. Start the conversation.

Like the quote at the top insinuates, we, as Christians need to spread out and share our faith in order to help the world grow in holiness.

I am most certainly not perfect at this. I often worry about other people's opinions of me and what they will think about what I am saying and how I am acting.

All I'm saying is that 2% of Christians share their faith once a year and I think that is pitiful.

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