Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God is good.

I know it's been like 2 days since I posted. My apologies for the lack of communication.

I have great news though and I just have to share it. Try to take a toenails are painted teal?? I tried ironing my shirt w/ a hair straightener because I was too lazy to get my iron out?? it rained today?? I love the color yellow almost more than life itself?

Well, yes, all those things are true and super great but they're not quite what I was going for.

Let me just tell you. I have 4 more wonderful ministry partners!!!!! I checked my mail today like I do every day and found four envelopes with the colorful address sticker that I put on over 100 envelopes a week and a half ago.

Thank you Ashley Kingsbury, Lizzy Van Oss, Corbeill family, and Wiese family.

I just want to take this moment to scream THANK YOU at the top of my lungs so yall can hear it. Your support really means a lot to me. Thank you for believing that this mission is worth supporting. I cannot wait to get to San Diego and let the fun begin. My heart so desperately wants to live on mission.

The support total is now at $535--about 1/8 of my total need for the project. Please pray that more and more people see the enormous worth in sharing the gospel.

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