So we all know that there are lots of parts that make up a person. Duh.
Did you know, however, that these parts of ourselves are made up of parts themselves?
I guess it's easy to believe,
but have you ever really thought about it?
Humans are complicated.
The word 'RAGE' makes me uncomfortable.
(good transition there, I know, you needn't applaud. I swear it fits together.)
I know I'm angry. I'm angry almost all the time, but I suppose I didn't know how angry. The angry part of me has its own angry part. Does that make any sense? I am angry with the angry part of me. I do not like or want the angry part of me. The angry part of me has been banished, exiled, kicked out, shoved away, hidden, left alone, not acknowledged...until today. For a moment. a very, very brief moment, I acknowledged it. I saw that I'm not full of anger but full of RAGE. It was a brief moment because the thought makes me uncomfortable.
This type of anger banished for so long becomes rage.
Currently, I can feel the pulsating of my heart through my fingertips.
The word 'rage' makes me uncomfortable because it seems non-constructive.
so what if I'm angry?
even if it's totally justified, what do I do with anger?
and when it becomes rage, what does expressing it do for me besides free me from the responsibility to hide it?
But anger is useful and it does have a purpose--I'm just not sure what that is and I am not confident that I an equipped to handle the depth of my anger safely. It makes me uneasy.
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