Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When I grow up...

While making dinner and socializing with some friends a few weeks ago, the question arose: if you could be/do anything (career-wise) what would you do?

In typical fashion the man who had this question asked of him replied, "hands down, I'd be an astronaut." And my thought, immediately, was, well then why aren't you trying to be an astronaut? Why aren't you somehow linking your career to the space-exploration industry? Why on earth, if that is your "hands down!" passion, are you studying theology and ministry?

To have a dream that just sits there seems absolutely pointless and ultimately sad. Dreams are meant to be chased after not just pondered on a lazy Saturday afternoon. The passion of a dream should ignite within you a flame so powerful, it touches every aspect of your being. 

I stood there, cutting broccoli and thinking of my answer. Honestly, I can say I want, more than anything, to be a therapist. That's my dream job. No, it's not sparkily and fun, In fact, it promises to be dark and mysterious at times...but those shadowy experiences lead to an awakening of the self with which no space mission can compete. I can imagine doing other things but I cannot imagine feeling the passion I feel toward providing therapy toward any other career. 

And I was happy.

In fact, I felt a sense of relief in my answer. I felt validation that I was doing what I needed to be doing to follow my dream. 

Not all dreams have to be so big and lofty they are unreachable. 

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