Friday, May 11, 2012

Is there a group for that?

APA--addictive personalities anonymous.
does this exist?
if not, it probably should...
well, maybe not. It could be a breeding ground of boundary issues and enablement...or it could be a really supportive group of individuals trying their best to hold one another accountable. I suppose there's no way of really knowing.

After finding some stability, yours truly could be the president. I could most definitely be the poster child.

I get a tattoo--then I make that total increase to three in less than six months.
I want to start working out--I run at least 6 miles almost everyday.
I want to run a half marathon--then I sign up fora bunch more races.
I find I like 1/2 zip sweatshirts and running--I buy them in almost every color.
I like greek yogurt--I eat it for breakfast every day.
Introduce me to a great TV show--I hope it's on Netflix so I can watch every episode.
I enjoy my work and coworkers--and they like me since I pick up a bunch of shifts so I'm always there.
I begin doing something weird (like taking 2 hours to eat a carton of yogurt)--and its a habit.

Annoying? sometimes.YES
Problematic? ehh...depends who you ask YES
Addicted? I wouldn't call it that. YES

I don't remember when this came to my attention, but I've known for a few years that I have a ridiculously addictive personality. Basically, introduce me to something I like and I'm addicted within 48 hours. 

There have been multiple instances in the past few weeks in which I've told people if I could live on Panda Puffs alone, I totally would"and I'm so not kidding. Panda Puffs are the BOMB DOT COM. They're basically gluten-free peanut butter kix and I'm loving them. I found them for the first time over Easter break when I was visiting my parents up in Michigan and the rest is history. I really want to see if I can live on Panda Puffs alone for a week--let's plan this this summer.

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