Monday, March 5, 2012

The More the Merrier

Wouldn't our lives be easier with 26 hours in the day?
Wouldn't it be nice to have an unlimited amount of money?
Wouldn't you like to eat whatever you want as much as you want without consequences?

If you answered 'yes' to any or all these questions, you probably think positively when you hear the words "the more the merrier." Right now, I don't.

In the middle of having a difficult conversation on facebook chat and feeling like my heart had been stretched too far and was now being ripped apart, I scrolled down the list of friends who were online in search of someone I could share my feelings with. I wanted someone to simply remind me that I am loved and have a purpose and a future full of hope.

I scrolled. And scrolled. And scrolled. And I came up empty.

Friends, it's not like it's 3am and the natural humans are all asleep. We're talking 10:15/10:30pm--not late by anyone's standards. Even my parents have been known to stay up that late on occasion.

Facebook tells me I have 831 friends and that 53 are online at this moment. But somehow I have 53 friends online who I cannot share my feelings with.

More is not necessarily merrier. I'd rather have 1 friend online that I can feel comfortable and safe and loved with.